"La poésie de théâtre" de Jean Cocteau
Paris 4Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
"la poesie de theatre" de jean cocteau consiste a montrer "le plus vrai que le vrai", provocant le regard neuf qui devoile ce que la routine nous cache. Cette conception theatrale se resume en trois methodes : la rehabilitation du lieu commun, le rajeunissement du mythe et le renouvellement des poncifs. A travers la presence constante du personnage qui represente le poete, cocteau insiste sur la valeur morale de la poesie et poursuit son eternelle quete de l'inconnu et de la verite. Le theatre lui a permis de realiser non seulement un art total, mais aussi son propre mythe.
Abstract FR:
"the theatre poetry" of jean cocteau consists of a work conveying the utmost truth which provokes a new glances unveiling the routine that we hide behind. This theatrical conception is summarized into three methods : the rehabilitation of the commonplace, the rejuvenation of the myth and the renewal of devoid themes. Through the constant presence of the personage representing the poet, cocteau puts emphasis on the moral value of poetry and proceeds with his eternal search of the unknown and the truth. Theatre has allowed him to realize not only total art, but also his own myth.