
Nodier et le theatre

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Paris 4



Abstract EN:

The world where nodier lived in during his child hood and his youth put the theatre on the top of his preoccupations, making him an enthusiastic spectator, a pertinent critic and a fertile author, though rarely performed. His admiration for the great classics and shakespeare, who he praises in his dole's litterature conferences and in the newspapers, his frequentation of the theatre world, lead with a certain efficiency only to a whole series of dramatic feuilletons in the journal des debats (1814) (except some creations of which there is very few left); his ideas are classic although he accepts the rights of the genius. - his theatrical carreer covers the 1820-1828 period ; he is the author (jointly) of five plays which show some original characteristics : the frenetic inspiration, the genre -half popular, half litterary- between the melodrama and the romantic drama, the subjects coming from the foreign theatre which he defends actively and with conviction in the newspapers. - however, in his fifties, nodier shows a significant turning point : he doesn't go to the theatre anymore, his creation changes, the tale replaces the drama ; the actress reappears, as a myth ; the criticism hands o- ver to the account of real-life experience ; after having tried the pantomime for a while, nodier rediscovers the qualities of the pup- pets, which he considers now as the essential theatre, incarnating the eminent worths liberty and childhood spirit, satisfying the ima- gination and the sensitiveness.

Abstract FR:

Le monde ou nodier vecut son enfance et sa jeunesse mettait le theatre au premier plan de ses preoccupations, faisant de lui un spectateur enthousiaste, un critique pertinent et un auteur fecond, quoique peu joue. Ses admirations pour les grands classiques et shakespeare, qu'il prone dans son cours de litterature de dole et dans les journaux, sa frequentation des milieux dramatiques n'aboutissent de facon efficace (malgre quelques creations dont il ne reste quasi rien) qu'a une serie de feuilletons dramatiques (le feuilleton des debats qu'il tient de facon active en 1814) ; il y apparait resolument classique, encore qu'il reconnaisse tous droits au genie. - sa carriere proprement dramatique couvre les annees 1820- 1828 ; il est l'auteur (en collaboration) de cinq pieces, qui posse- dent quelques caracteres originaux : l'inspiration frenetique, la forme mi-populaire mi-litteraire, a mi-chemin du melodrame et du drame romantique, le fait d'etre tirees du theatre etranger, dont il se montre par ailleurs, dans les journaux, le defenseur convaincu et actif. - mais la cinquantaine marque un tournant deci- sif : nodier ne va plus au theatre ; sa creation se modifie : au drame, se substitue le conte ; la comedienne y reparait, promue au rang de mythe ; la critique fait place au temoignage de l'experience vecue. A- pres un bref essai de la pantomine, nodier redecouvre les vertus des marionnettes, qu'il considere desormais comme le theatre essen- tiel, incarnant les valeurs eminentes de liberte et d'esprit d'en- fance, satisfaisant imagination et sensibilite.