Analyse de situations de communication difficile en milieu didactique malgachophone
Montpellier 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The malagasy case in frenchteaching as a foreign language (fle) proves its originality through the specificrelation that malagasy native speakers have had, and are still having,with french language. To be understood,communication in such a language-above all, the one that prevails in learning situations that are often neglected-should lead us to consider the three following constraints : the golobal sociolinguistic context, the personal history of the learner and all the parameters that characterise the learning situation itself. Since our parpose is to understand the verbal behaviour of the malagasy learner towards this foreign language-and given the fact that he is bound to express himself in a permanent double bind situation-it seems that the best approach is the one based on the hypothesis that interactional is determined by representational and relational. One can then legitimately build a reading framework accounting for this verbal behaviour in a double bind situation and try to adjust the communicative competence that the learner confronnted with both his feeling of being rejected and his desire of appropriation, must have.
Abstract FR:
Le cas malgache, en didactique du fle presente l'originalite de rapports specifiques que ce peuple a eus et continue a avoir avec la langue francaise. Ainsi, pour etre comprise, la communication dans cette langue,-surtout celle,en situation d'apprentissage, qui accuse tres souvent quelque souffrance-necessite que l'on interroge les trois pesanteurs que sont le contexte sociolinguistique dans sa globalite, l'histoire personnelle de l'apprenant et les parametres de la situation d'apprentissage elle-meme. Puisque l'objectif est de comprendre le comportement verbal de l'apprenant dans cette langue etrangere-apprenant cense etre en situation de double contrainte permanente-la meilleure voie semble celle qui repose sur l'hypothese ou relationnel et representationnel determinent l'interactionnel. Ainsi l'on peut pretendre construire une grille de lecture de ce comportement verbal en situation de double contrainte et envisager un ajustement de la competence communicative que requierent des apprenants chez qui sentiment de rejet et desir d'appropriation se disputent la vedette.