
L'age d'or du mythe de babel : histoire des representations, de l'origine semite a l'apogee du mythe, 1480-1600

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995






Abstract EN:

This study forms part of the very extensive research into the imaginary and concerns the history of the theological, literary, and iconographical representations of the theme of babel. Although the initial intention was to limit investig ations to the golden age of myth, in this case, the 16th century, the need became apparent to recompose, downstream, the various diversions by which the metaphysical, linguistic and politic outline of the image of babel came into being: this study contains three parts, namely : 1) the foundations of the myth 2) the theological, literary, and iconographical representations of the theme of babel. 3) the political, metaphysical and literary interpretations which are the result.

Abstract FR:

Cette etude s'inscrit dans le cadre des recherches sur l'imaginaire et porte sur l'histoire des representations theologiques, litteraires, et iconographiques du theme mythique de babel. Bien que mon intention fut de limiter mes investigations a l'age d'or du mythe, en l'occurence au xvie siecle, il me parut necessaire de mettre en lumiere les successives derivations qui determinerent le contour metaphysique, politique et linguistique de l'image de babel, de ses origines a la fin du moyen age trois parties la constituent : 1) les fondements du mythe 2) les representaions theologiques litteraires et iconographiques 3)les interpretations politiques, methaphysiques, litteraires qui s'en degagent.