
Jean genet : poetique et politique de la mort

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996



Paris 7



Abstract EN:

This thesis deals with the last period of jean genet's life and work, from the end of 60's until the death of the author. It refers at the same time to the totaly of his work. The study which consists of four parts questions the links between writing and political exigencies : a totality which is incessently being worked on by the idea of death. Also referring to genet's other texts and the interviews with him, the thesis takes as its subjects prisoner of love. The priviledged historical context is the palestinian resistance, particularly the years 70-71 and "sabra and chatila". The present study has faced many difficulties called forth by the subject itself : analysing a work which resists any method of interpretation, circumscribing the unique political position of the author without assuming a polemical stand point.

Abstract FR:

Cette these s'attache a la derniere partie de la vie et de l'oeuvre de jean genet, de la fin des annees 60 a la mort de l'ecrivain, tout en se referant a l'ensemble de ses ouvrages. La composition en quatre parties interroge le lien entre ecriture poetique et exigences politiques : une complementarite qui ne cesse d'etre travaillee par la pensee de la mort. Sans negliger les textes et les entretiens, l'ouvrage de reference est un captif amoureux. Le contexte historique privilegie est la resistance palestinienne, en particulier les annees 70-71 et "sabra et chatila". Ce travail s'efforce de resoudre les difficultes inherentes au sujet : l'analyse d'une oeuvre qui resiste a toute methode interpretative, l'expose, par-dela toute polemique, de la position politiquement singuliere de l'ecrivain.