
Paul valery et la grece

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1986



Paris 4



Abstract EN:

The purpose of this work is neither a search into possible sources nor a confrontation of ideas or forms between valery and greece. It is based on a simple original statement - valery's work is pervaded with every form and aspect of hellenism ; valery had, in his own words, "a greek hereditary quantum". The point is to estimate the latter with accuracy through the examination of every piece of valery's writing which is obtainable at the moment. What did valery know of greece ? how did he imagine it ? how did he recreate it ? how did he appropriate it to himself, thus making it the fulcrum of his ego ? in order to answer these questions, four different approaches have been selected, a) hellenism and valery's mediterranean sensibility - the beauty of the universe, b) greece and the quest for know ledge - myth and discourse, c) greek tragedy and tragedy according to valery - the distress of being, d) a humanist wisdom lying on protagoras's assertion : "man is the measure of all things". Hellenism played a considerable role in valery's intimate experience : it enabled him first to warily voice then to overwhelm the painful conflicts - sense vs sensibility, reflection vs action, understanding vs being - experienced by his heroes of former ages. Eupalinos the architect is the embodiment of the balance thus reached. By opposing idealists and sceptics, plato and aristotle, augustine and thomas aquinas, valery placed the supreme form of good in action - the harmonious blooming of every human faculty. Moreover, in a world intoxicated with the advance of technologies and with every form of excess, greece stands as the preserver of the founding values of western civilisation. Valery's hellenism thus combines humour, charm and elegance with a much deeper reflection and a quest for wisdom.

Abstract FR:

Ce livre n'a pour objet ni une recherche de sources ni une confrontation d'idees ou de formes entre valery et la grece. Il part d'une constatation simple : l'hellenisme, sous les aspects les plus varies, est partout present dans cette oeuvre ; valery reconnait posseder "un quantum hereditaire grec". Il s'agit de le preciser a l'aide de toutes les productions valeryennes actuellement accessibles. Que savait valery de la grece ? comment l'a-t-il imaginee ? reconstrute ? comment se l'est-il appropriee, faisant d'elle le support de son moi ? cette recherche adopte quatre perspectives : hellenisme et sensibilite mediterraneenne de valery : la beaute du monde. La grece de la connaissance : mythos et logos. Tragique grec et tragique valeryen : l'angoisse existentielle. Une sagesse humaniste fondee sur l'assertion de protagoras : "l'homme est mesure de toutes choses". L'hellenisme a une importance considerable dans l'aventure interieure de valery : il lui a permis d'exprimer avec discretion, puis de surmonter les douloureux conflits vecus par ses heros antiques, esprit-sensibilite, speculationaction, connaitre-etre. Eupalinos l'architecte est l'incarnation de cet equilibre. Opposant idealistes et sceptiques, platon et aristote, saint augustin et saint thomas d'aquin, valery situe le souverainbien dans l'action, epanouissement harmonieux de toutes les facultes humaines. De plus, dans un monde menace par la griserie du progres et toutes les formes de la demesure, la grece reste le garant des valeurs fondatrices de la civilisation occidentale. L'hellenisme valeryen associe donc humour, charme, elegance, a une reflexion approfondie et a une quete de la sagesse.