
Recherches sur la tradition grammaticale arabe

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1986



Paris 3



Abstract EN:

This thesis comprises three distinct studies, devoted to several aspects of the arabic grammatical tradition. 1. - "the grammarians' "cause" : a study of the notion of 'illa in the arabic grammatical tradition (end 3rd 9th - middle 4th 10th century)" in the perspective of an epistemological history of linguistic scien- ces, this study is an attempt at reconstructing an abstract model of grammatical explanation in the arabic tradition; this model is studied in its historical developement, from al-mubarrid to the "new grammarians" of the beginning of the 4th 10th century, notably ibn al-sarraj and al-zajjaji. 2. - "some aspects of ibn jinni's morpho-phonological theory, apropos of the medial-glide verb. " two mian aspects are studied, first the abstract reconstruction of the underlying form, then the phonological processes through which the surface form is derived. This study gives a peculiar attention to the argumentative and validational procedures used by the author. 3. - "fragments of a forgotten grammar". Through the close study of several excerpts from sibawayhi's "kitab", this study puts forth, tentatively, an "enunciative" reading of his grammatical system.

Abstract FR:

Ce travail se compose de trois etudes separees, consacrees a differents aspects de la tradition grammaticale arabe : 1. - "la "cause" des grammairiens, recherche sur la notion de 'illa dans la tradition grammaticale arabe (fin 3e 9e - milieu 4e 10e siecle)" dans le cadre d'une histoire epistemologique des sciences linguisti- ques, cette etude s'attache a construire un modele abstrait de la notion d'explication dans la tradition arabe; ce modele est envisage dans son developpement historique, d'abord chez al-mubarrid, ensuite chez les "nouveaux grammairiens" du 4e 10e siecle, notamment ibn al-sarraj et al-zajjaji. 2. - "quelques aspects de la theorie morpho-phonologique d'ibn jinni, a propos du verbe a glide median". Sont envisages successivement deux etapes assentielles du processus d'analyse, la reconstruction abstraite des formes sous-jacentes, et les processus de derivation phonologique (i'lal). Une attention particuliere est accordee aux procedures d'argumentation et de validation. 3. - "fragments d'une grammaire oubliee" a travers plusieurs passages du "kitab" de sibawayhi, cette etude s'attache a proposer une lecture "enonciative" de son systeme grammatical.