Esquisse d'une mythologie rabelaisienne : essai de classification
Bordeaux 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Inventories of renaissance mythology are already available. Their interest is altogether descriptive, taxomonic and philosophic. The characteristic of this study is that it applies the modern theories of myth analysis to a literary work of the french renaissance, which enhances both the conflict and the harmony of cultures throughout centuries. The author, a national from the popular republic of china, is a by-product of an entirely different culture. Her point of view, coupled with her encounter with a western mind, has originated an identical shock. The work she undertook enabled her to find a way between both cultures, which turns such contradictions into harmony. Rabelais work reveals itself as a cross-road between the main trends of the western mytical thought. It enlmightens the cultural kinship of humanists. The concept of "reliance" is applied to a text deep-rooted into its epoch and its native culture; this enables a foreign mind - not contemporary of the xvith century - to read through the optics of myth. This, in turn constitutes, from one redundancy to another, the genuine primitive basis of any speech and it may help to understand "the reasons why gargantua's father is related to mallarme" (a. Malraux) and rabelais to confucius.
Abstract FR:
Il existe deja des recensements de la mythologie renaissance; ceux-ci ont une valeur descriptive, ou taxinomique, ou eventuellement philosophique. La particularite de ce travail consiste en l'application des theories modernes d'analyse du mythe a une oeuvre de litterature de la renaissance francaise, qui fait ressortir a travers le temps a la fois le choc et l'harmonie des cultures. L'auteur, ressortissant de la republique populaire de chine, est issu d'une culture differente et sa rencontre avec un esprit occidental d'un siecle passe a engendre au depart le meme choc. Le travail qu'elle a entrepris a ete de trouver un moyen de passage qui transforme cette contradiction en harmonie. L'oeuvre de rabelais se revele un veritable carrefour des grands courants de la pensee mythique occidentale. Elle met en evidence cette fraternite culturelle des humanistes, et cette "reliance" d'un texte bien enracine dans son epoque et dans sa culture autochtone permet a un regard etranger et non contemporain du xvieme siecle une lecture a travers les lunettes du mythe qui consistue, de redondance en redondance, le ceritable fons primitif de tout discours, et qui permet de comprendre ce qui "unit l'auteur du gargantua a mallarme" (a. Malraux), et ce qui unit rabelais a confucius.