
Le récit herméneutique balzacien

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997



Paris 8




Abstract EN:

Narratives based on the enigma are insistantly present in novels and short stories throughout la comedie humaine. This work is an attempt to explore such a phenomenon. The first part provides a description of a certain narrative organisation, and a definition of a certain type of narrative that could be called "her- meneutic". This form seems to be historically dated ; it was invented in the begin- ning of the xixth century out of the former "mystery" novel, and takes a large part in the history of the modern novel. The second part of this work analyses the context within the hermeneutic narrative emerges; then, within the historical context of its developement, we have tried to grasp the significance and the functions of the herme- neutic narrative, as well as to understand what is at stake in the novel- listic strategies in which the hermeneutic narrative is instrumental. At last, we have looked into what makes this kind of novel a forme that typically belongs to modernity.

Abstract FR:

La presence, dans les romans et nouvelles de la comedie humaine, du recit a enigme, est insistante envahissante, meme, a certaines epoques. Il s'agit de rendre compte de ce phenomene. On decrit, d'abord, une organisation narrative, et on definit un type de re- cit qui peut etre baptise "recit hermeneutique" cette forme apparait comme historiquement datee elle s'invente au debut du xix0 siecle (en se degageant de la forme plus ancienne du recit "a mysteres" et aura partie liee avec une bonne part de l'histoire du roman moderne. On s'interroge, alors, dans la suite du travail sur ses conditions d'emer- gence, et on tache, en la replacant dans le contexte historique de son deve- loppement, de saisir son interet, ses fonctions, les enjeux des strategies romanesques dont elle est l'instrument. Pour finir, on cherche a comprendre ce qui fait de ce type de recit une forme appartenant en propre a la modernite.