
Le voyage et le livre : poétique du récit de voyage d'écrivain au XIXè siécle

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Paris 8



Abstract EN:

The nineteenth century author of traval narrative, hesitating between two contradictory ambitions, which he tries to reconcile, to be literal or to be literary, alternatively writes about the world and rewrites the library. Superimposed on the ideal of a direct narrative which is based on the model of the daguerreotype, the engraving or the copy of a painting, and which imitates the movement of the referential journey, immediately furnishing an order to the text, is the knowledge gained form secondary sources. Contrary to the explorer, the writer is faced with a space already stacked out by literature ; the narrator uses preexisting texts as models or as foils, unless he considers litterature as an economic system were nothing must be saind twice, which produces either a lacuna, a bibliographical reference or a quote. Fictional texts, because they construct homonymous setting, lead to phenomena of spatial confusion. The assimilation of true and fictional space and the reappropriation of fictional structures resolve the problem uncessantly posed by the narrator of the insufficiency of the actual voyage to constitute a literary object, but on the other hand the referential work is jeopradized. The voyage, an object paradoxical, ideal and impossible to narrate at the same time, invites the writer to rehink the traditional balance of the narrative and disrupts the hierarchy between description and narration, the structural assumptions and the relationship to quotation.

Abstract FR:

Pris entre les deux aspirations contradictoires de la litteralite et de la litterarite, qu'il s'essaye a conjuguer, le recit de voyage d'ecrivain, au dix-neuvieme siecle, se fait tour a tour ecriture du monde et reecriture de la bibliotheque. A l'ideal d'une ecriture immediate, qui represente son travail sur le modele reprographique du daguerreotype, de la gravure ou de la copie de tableau, et qui mime le mouvement du parcours referentiel, qui fournit d'emblee un ordre au recit, s'oppose la relation complexe aux livres. Confronte, au contraire de l'explorateur, a un espace deja balise par l'ecriture, le narrateur utilise ces formulations prealables comme modeles ou comme figures-repoussoirs, a moins qu'il ne mette en place une economie de la non-redite qui induit les pratique de l'ellipse, du renvoi ou de la citation. Les textes de fiction, en construisant des decors homonymes entrainent des phenomenes de confusion des espaces. L'assimilation du reel au decor, le reappropriation des schemas de la fiction, resolvent la question sans cesse posee de l'insuffisance du voyage reel a constituer un objet litteraire, mais compromettent le travail referentiel. Objet paradoxal, ideal et impossible a la fois, le voyage invite l'ecriture a repenser les equilibres traditionnels du recit et bouleverse la hierarchie entre description et narration, les postulats structurels, le rapport a la citation. . .