Le cardinal de retz orateur
Paris 4Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Not only is cardinal de retz a memorialist. He also used his genius with equal felicity in the art of the spoken word. He was an orator out of necessity, due to his ecclesiastical profession. In addition to this, his active participation in the party of the fronde often gave him the opportunity of taking the floor both in public and in private. This study in the tradition of the ancient's conception of the orator analyses the many aspects of a rhetoric linked with the cult of glory. Three main parts emerge. The first concerns the private deliberations of the members of the fronde. The second illustrates a political eloquence which brings to light that of the orator in the city. Its stage being the streets, the movements of the crowd, the court, in the setting of an official reception and above all parliament, a court of justice transformed into a deliberative assembly because of the events. The third part deals with religious eloquence: anti-protestant controversy, predication, discussion on cartesianism. In this little known eloquence personal ambition is set against recognition of spiritual values. The aim of this work is to portray an original orator in comparison with the archetype defined by cicero in "the orator". It should also facilitate a better comprehension of the cardinal's personality and several disconcerting aspects of both his actions and his work. For the rhetoric which encompasses withim its perspective the man and the artist in relation to a public contributes to a better understanding of the phenomenon of literary creation.
Abstract FR:
Retz n'est pas seulement un memorialiste. Son genie s'est exerce avec un egal bonheur dans l'art de la parole. Orateur, il l'etait necessairement de par sa profession ecclesiastique ; en outre, sa participation active aux troubles de la fronde lui donnerent a maintes reprises l'occasion de prendre la parole en prive ou en public. Cette etude, qui s'inspire d'une conception de l'orateur heritee des anciens, analyse les multiples aspects d'une rhetorique liee au culte de la gloire. Trois grandes parties se dessinent. La premiere regroupe les deliberations en prive des frondeurs. La seconde illustre une eloquence politique qui se deploie au grand jour, celle de l'orateur dans la cite; elle a pour theatre la rue et ses mouvements de foule, la cour, dans le cadre d'une reception officielle, et surtout le parlement, cour de justice transformee en assemblee deliberative a la faveur des evenements. La troisieme partie est consacree a l'eloquence religieuse : controverse, predication, entre tiens sur le cartesianisme. Dans cette eloquence peu connue, l'ambition personnelle rivalise avec la reconnaissance des valeurs spirituelles. Ce travail a pour but de mettre en lumiere le portrait d'un orateur original, par rapport a l'archetype que ciceron definit dans l' orateur. Il devrait aussi permettre de mieux comprendre la personnalite de retz et plusieurs aspects deconcertants de son action et de son oeuvre. Car la rhetorique qui integre dans sa perspective l'homme et l'artiste, en relation avec un public, contribue a une meilleure intelligence du phenomene de creation litteraire.