
George Sand, la cause du peuple

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993






Abstract EN:

The aim of this thesis is to show how essential is the part of the lower classes in the whole George Sand's works. The first part is given over to analyze the idealized pictures of proletarians, peasants, workers, servants, given by the writer and the meaning of these generous, virtuous, just men and women who represent the ideal human type. George Sand loves people, and "her" people carries hope of a better world. The second chapter shows the characteristics of sandian world. This ideal world is a rustic and romantic one, it's a world where knowledges, education and progress are at social justice service. This chapter studies too the litterary art the writer -who is exclusively read by the upper classes- uses to bring out the lower classes'way of life and cultural patrimony. The last chapter is the study of george sand's fight for justice and equality through the analyses of her social, political and philosophical ideas, ideas sprang from her own personnal story and from the litterary and philosophical influences of great thinkers like Rousseau, Lamennais, Saint-Simon. It studies too her attitude in front of the great social events of her century.

Abstract FR:

Etude de l'oeuvre (romans ; contes ; nouvelles ; pièces de theatre, récits autobiographiques ; articles) et de la correspondance de George Sand (1804-1876), infatigable défenseur du peuple, avocat d'une cause sociale et politique. Première partie : le personnage sandien, au service d'une nouvelle conception de l'humanité, généreuse et aimante. Deuxième partie : un univers propice à l'unité sociale (réhabilitation du peuple dans un décor qui a les couleurs d'un monde meilleur, mise en valeur de sa langue, de ses coutumes, de sa musique, de ses croyances). Troisième partie : analyse d'une pensée très personnelle (idées politiques, religieuses, sociales, philosophiques).