Theatre d'oc de 1939 a 1993
Montpellier 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Despite the waning of the oc language during the twentieth century, the occitan countries of auvergne, gascogne, languedoc, limousin and provence-nice) nevertheless all developed a dynamic dialectal theatre. Originating from the southern communities and renowned for its religious tradition (pastorals), its ethnographic tradition (customs, legends, feasts) and its literary tradition (french model), one arrives at a theatre of historic and existential alterity, to the ethno-comedy (social fiction and rural burlesque), and to the literature of the "occitanitude". Facing the diglossia, the cultural segregation and the crisis of the meridional society, this theatre is a testimony to the more personal aesthetics and polyphonic messages, whilst still remaining faithful to its origins, which are holy, identitary (critically), profane (burlesquely) and an experimental (heretical) literary. Trivalence always acknowledges the triple sign of the impossible ethnodrama, the invisible gnosticism and the everlasting mystery.
Abstract FR:
Malgre le declin de la langue d'oc, les pays d'oc (auvergne, gascogne, languedoc, limousin, provence-nice) revelent au cours du vingtieme siecle un theatre dialectal dynamique. D'un theatre des communautes du sud se definissant par sa tradition religieuse (pastorales), ethnographique (coutumes, legendes, fetes) et litteraire (sous modele francais), ils passent a un theatre de l'alterite historique et existentielle, a l'ethno-comedie (fiction sociale et burlesque neorural) et a la litterature de l'occitanitude. Face a la diglossie, a la segregation culturelle et la crise de la societe meridionale, ce theatre temoigne d'esthetiques plus personnelles, de discours plus polyphoniques, tout en restant fidele a ses sources : un sacre (critiquement) identitaire, un profane (burlesquement) desacralisateur et un experimenta l (heretiquement) litteraire. Trivalence toujours marquee du triple signe de l'impossible ethnodrame, de l'invisible gnosticite et du "mystere" attache a la volonte de durer.