
Le chemin de personne yves bonnefoy - julien gracq

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997



Paris 7



Abstract EN:

This thesis deals with the path, in the works of the two authors, in as much as its presence is manifest as pathway or lane for instance, and not as explicity metaphorical or conceptual. Furthermore, it looks at the role that the path plays in late twentieth century poetry. Our starting point is the path in the landscapes depicted by the two authors. We then go on to link it to the track of language and of literary representation, and to separate it from both more current notions in contemporary criticism (such as the landscape) and more abstract notions (such as time and space). Our aim is to determine how it can be given a notional status without losing its singularity. We of course investigate its capacity to construct a true landscape of writing. If the path's passage through the landscape has altered the latter's initial order, it has left its mark and has succeeded in fashioning the place in its own way, in making the landscape ledgible whereas, before passage through it, the latter entirely contained its own meaning. Thus, the path is very closed to a passage into reading and into writing, and it also very often is an image thereof. On the other hand, the landscape's shapes and their apprehension are renewed because of the passage. The fact that the path sustains the changing effect it has on the environment, enables the walker to position himself in his own vision of the world. Therefore, there is more at stake than a mere matter of space: it's a question of learning and of finding a life path. We also determine the link between the walking body, the reactions through which it takes part in the path, and the thoughts which surge up in the course of the walk. What kind of encounter does one have with thoughts on the road? the train of thought is defined as a truely poetic method which does not exclude from reflexion, either the element of chance contained in the environment, or its already existing depth. In conclusion, the path has often been called upon in literature, whether it be in the shape of the crossroads, the labyrinth or other fantastic, initiatory or formative paths. Today, walking the path means going through all of these myths of which we examine the phantasmagorical relevance.

Abstract FR:

Il s'agit d'observer la presence du chemin concret (sentier, allee. . . ) - et non chemin directement metaphorique ou conceptuel - dans les oeuvres des deux auteurs, et de s'interroger sur l'importance que revet le chemin dans la poesie de la fin du xxe siecle. On part du chemin dans les paysages decrits par ces auteurs, pour l'articuler, dans un deuxieme temps, au chemin du langage et au chemin des representations litteraires, et l'isoler par rapport a des notions plus balisees par la critique contemporaine (le paysage), ou plus abstraites (espace, temps), afin de voir comment il peut acceder a un statut notionnel sans perdre sa singularite. On s'interroge bien evidemment sur la capacite du chemin a construire un veritable paysage d'ecriture. Si le certain ordre initial du paysage a change avec le passage du chemin, c'est que ce dernier a produit son effet et reussi son intention d'articuler le lieu a sa facon, de lui conferer la lisibilite qui lui appartenait en propre au moment de l'invention (du passage dans). Le chemin est ainsi fort proche d'une entree dans la lecture et dans l'ecriture, il en est souvent une image. D'autre part, c'est par le chemin que le lieu renouvelle ses formes et leur apprehension. La deformation continue qu'exerce le chemin permet au marcheur de se situer dans sa propre vision du monde, et l'enjeu est plus que spatial: il s'agit d'une formation et d'un chemin de vie. Ensuite, il s'agit d'etablir le lien entre le corps en marche, ses reactions par lesquelles il participe au chemin, et les pensees qui naissent en cours de route. Quelle rencontre de la pensee fait-on sur le chemin? le chemin de pensee est ici defini comme une veritable methode poetique, qui n'exclut pas de la reflexion le hasard du lieu ni sa profondeur deja constituee. Enfin, le chemin a ete de nombreuses fois invoque dans la litterature, sous forme de carrefour, labyrinthe, ou autres chemins de contes, d'initiation, ou de formation. Ecrire le chemin aujourd'hui traverse tous ces mythes dont on interroge la pertinence fantasmagorique.