Vaporisation et centralisation dans la poésie baudelairienne
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The words "vaporization" and "centralization" accurately summarize baudelaire's poetic experience. The poet must leave the immediacy of his self-consciousness as man, seeking that which he perceives as his "non-self" in order to discover the truth of his being as poet, a truth which does not yet coincide with his self. This "non-self" might be a woman, a person glimpsed in the crowd, a work of art, or a scene, elements which constitute recurring themes in his poetry. The only way for him to attain his truth, his poetry, that is, to be "centralized" is by displacing his self onto an otherness, and thus by being "vaporized". The infinite ideal, or absolute beauty, though itself a non-existent void, is nonetheless present in an infinite number of individual beauties in the real world. Thum the ideal exists everywhere, and the poet can capture it by experiencing the sum total of these beauties. In order therefore to be "centralized", the poet must "vaporize" himself, in his pursuit of a constantly new and different beauty. It is "perception enfantine" which allows the poet to discover this immanence of the ideal within the real and creates the very potential for poetry, a poetry which takes the form of symbolism, in which affective subjectivity coincides with sensorial objectivity.
Abstract FR:
Les mots (vaporisation) et (centralisation) resument de facon precise l'experience poetique de baudelaire. Le poete doit sortir de sa conscience de soi immediate en tant qu'homme et aller vers ce qui lui parait comme un (non-moi) pour decouvrir la verite de son etre en tant que poete, car son moi ne coincide pas encore avec celle-ci. Ce (non-moi) peut etre une femme, une personne entrevue dans la foule, un objet d'art ou un paysage. Ce sont autant de themes de sa poesie. Il ne peut atteindre sa verite, sa poesie, etre (centralise), qu'en s'eloignant de lui-meme vers l'alterite, qu'en etant (vaporise). L'ideal infini, ou le beau absolu, est en soi un vide et n'existe nulle part tel quel. Mais il se manifeste dans le monde reel en une infinite de beautes particulieres. Dans cette mesure, l'ideal est partout dans le monde et le poete peut le cerner en parcourant la totalite de ces beautes. En ce sens aussi, le poete doit (se vaporiser) en poursuivant le beau qui est chaque fois nouveau et different, pour (se centraliser). C'est la (perception enfantine) qui permet au poete de decouvrir cette immanence de l'ideal au reel et qui constitue la possibilite meme de la poesie, poesie qui se realise sous la forme du symbolisme ou le subjectif affectif et l'objectif sensoriel coincident.