Rapports entre le texte et l'image dans la litterature francaise du surrealisme aux annees 1970
Paris 4Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
What are the connexions between the text and the picture? these are the problems raised by this study, which establishes that the aesthetic and literary criteria that have been suggested up to the beginning of the twentieth century to form the art (by giving supremacy to poetry and then to painting) and to define the links between the picture (much emphasis being put on the illustrative role of the picture) prove to be irrelevant. This study tries to surrount the most important aspect of the new links which have been established between the painters and the writers (from the surrealism period to the seventies) links that are based upon the conception which is different from creation, benceforth considered as a production, a hesitating research following the same proceeding : pictoral and verbal collage, picturesque novel, elaboration of fictions from pictures, introduction of linguistic symbols in painting (namemy proper nouns) and at last the experimentation of the scriptural practice the pictural one, by modern writers.
Abstract FR:
Quels sont les rapports entre le texte et l'image? ce sont les problemes souleves par cette etude, laquelle constate que les criteres esthetiques et litteraires qu'on a proposes jusqu'au debut du 20eme siecle pour hierachiser les arts ( suprematie de la poesie et secondarite de la peinture) et pour definir les liens entre le texte et l'image (accent mis sur le role illustratif de l'image ) s'averent non-pertinents. Cette etude essaie de cerner les aspects les plus importants des nouveaux rapports qui se sont instaures entre les peintres et les ecrivains (du surrealisme aux annees 70) rapports fondes sur une conception differente de la creation consideree desormais comme une production, une recherche tatonnante et axee sur les memes demarches : recours aux collages pictural et verbal, roman image (e. Triolet, aragon, breton) elaboration de fictions a partir d'images (simon), introduction du signe linguistique (noms propres notamment) en peinture et enfin experimentation des deux pratiques scripturale et picturale (ponge, michaux, leiris, ionesco) etc. . .