Le refrain dans la chanson française au XXe siècle : formes et fonctions
Aix-Marseille 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The refrain of the french popular song, avatar of ancient choral traditions, is detached from or integral to the verse. Typology uses criteria of variability and position (the initial detached refrain, the epiversal, epiphoric or antepiphoric integrated refrain). The detached versal refrain usually contains at least sixtenn syllables, organised into four perceptual units. These constraints do not apply tothe integrated refrain. The popularity of these types and forms has varied throughout the century. Semiologic study reveals contrasting (external) traits, which oppose verse and refrain and pertinent traits, belonging to the refrain itself. Pertinent (or intrinsic) traits are: thematic motivation, which confers either the autonomy (as in the detached "folklore-type" refrain), or the integration of the refrain (as in the literary or "poetic" refrain); limpidity, which satisfies the need for simplicity and intelligibility); lyricism, vector of affective values. Two external contextual traits may be added : break and repetition. The detached refrain is said to have four principal functions: the structural function (to organize the song in a bi-modular whole); the function of clusure; the function of attraction (to attract or seduce the listener); and the function of perdurability (to ensure the continued popularity of the text). Occuring in a uni-modular versal structure, them integrated refrain; whose primary function is poetic, provides versal clausula by emphasizing the theme of the song.
Abstract FR:
Avatar d'antiques interventions chorales, le refrain de la chanson francaise est ou detache ou integre au couplet. La typologie fait appel aux criteres de variabilite (r. Fixe ou a variation) et de position (r. Detache initial; r. Integre epistrophique, epiphorique, antepiphorique). Le r. Detache, strophique compte en principe au moins seize syllabes organisees en quatre cellules receptives; ces contraintes ne concernent pas le r. Integre. Types et fonctions ont connu des fortunes changeantes au xxe s. L'etude semiologique degage des traits contrastifs (externes) opposant couplet et r. ; des traits pertinents, propres au r. (intrinseques) : motivation thematique, qui commande l'autonomie (r. Detache "populaire") ou l'integration du r. (r. "lettre); limpidite, qui reunit implicite et intelligibilite; lyrisme, vecteur des valeurs affectives. S'y ajoutent deux traits contextuels (externes) : rupture et repetition. Quatre fonctions majeures sont attribuees au r. Detache: f. Structurelle (organiser la chanson en ensemble bimodulaire), f. De cloture, f. D'adhesion (seduire), f. De perdurabilite (assurer les conditions de la survie du texte). Participant a une structure strophique unimodulaire, le r. Integre, dont la fonction majeure est poetique, assume la clausule strophique en mettant en exergue le theme de la chanson.