
Syllabation, association et variation : approche phonologique tridimensionnelle de l'arabe

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1990



Paris, EHESS




Abstract EN:

The aim of the present work is a contribution to theorical and methodological projects tending to consider moroccan arabic phonology as a pan-dialectal system which is subject to variation. This last is due to interference between the mother tongue : morrocan arabic and arabic tautht in schools. This thesis falls into three parts. The first one, - besides questions of phonological representations and conventions for association - deals with reduplication phenomena and vowel alternation in classical arabic. The second part is about, the vowel system, syllabic structure and alternation then the behaviour of "defective" verbs in morrocan arabic. The last part is devoted to a phonetic and phonological description of morrocan arabic (as it is used in formal situations) based on the variation theory.

Abstract FR:

Cette these se veut comme objectif une contribution aux projets theoriques et methodologiques qui tendent a considerer la phonologie de l'arabe marocain comme un systeme pan-dialectal et inevitablement variable. Cette variation est due a l'interference entre l'arabe dialectal marocain et l'arabe appris a l'ecole. Nous traitons, dans le premiere partie, outre les questions des representations phonologiques et des conventions d'association, les phonomenes de redoublement et de l'alternance vocalique en arabe classique. Le systeme vocalique, la structure syllabique, l'alternance syllabique et le comportement des verbes "defectueux" en arabe dialectal marocain, sont traites dans la deuxieme partie. Nous presentons, enfin, dans la troisieme partie, une approche phoneticophonologique variationniste de l'arabe marocain parle formel.