La relation dite de +concession; : etude de though, although even though et even if anteposes en anglais contemporain
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The present thesis offers a study of the concessive markers though, although, even though and even if when preceding the matrix clause, in full context, forming a set that is often treated globally, so that they tend to be considered as interchangeable, in the expression of the relation of+ concession ; following the standard ordering of though a, b. We shall analyse each marker thoroughly and contrastively and show how they all retain their own specificity - in particular the set even though / even if - though all being concessive. We shall use the theoretical framework of the theory of enunciative operations, referring to the different types of localisation (relationships between anteposition and thematization) and the notional domain. A critical analysis of french and english dictionaries and grammars has enabled us to question the accuracy of the term +concession; in its designation of the underlying enunciative operation at work, established between the subordinate clause (a) and the matrix clause (b) by the concessive markers under scrutiny. We have chosen to describe it in terms of opposition, as it is first materialized by the presence of a negation in one of the two clauses, and then as there is a conflict between the enunciator and the co-enunciator about an expected and preconstructed relationship of entailment from a to the validation of non-b. Thus the adversative dimension prevails on the concessive one since the enunciator rejects such a preconstruction to assert the coexistence of a and b (related by the concessive marker) in the situation of enunciation, operating a qualitative differentiation. That's why we are here dealing with the construction of a + concessive-adversative; interpretation.
Abstract FR:
La presente these se propose d'etudier les marqueurs concessifs though, although, even though et even if anteposes dans la chaine et en contexte large, formant un paradigme le plus souvent traite de maniere globale, ce qui conduit a les considerer comme etant interchangeables, pour ce qui est de l'expression de la relation dite de + concession ;, dans son schema standard though a, b. Nous nous proposons de montrer, par une analyse approfondie et contrastive de chaque marqueur, comment chacun - et en particulier le couple even though / even if - conserve sa specificite propre, tout en appartenant pleinement au paradigme concessif, en utilisant des outils theoriques empruntes a la theorie des operations enonciatives, notamment les differents types de reperage a l'oeuvre (liens entre anteposition et thematisation) et le jeu sur le domaine notionnel. Un examen critique des dictionnaires et des grammaires francophones et anglophones permet de poser des jalons en vue d'une remise en question de l'emploi meme du terme de + concession ; pour designer l'operation enonciative sous-jacente a la relation etablie par les marqueurs etudies entre la proposition subordonnee (a) et la proposition principale (b). Une relation d'opposition, a savoir d'alterite, se fait jour d'une part entre a et b, materialisee en surface par la presence d'une negation dans l'une ou l'autre des propositions, et d'autre part entre l'enonciateur et le co-enonciateur au sujet d'une relation d'entrainement escomptee et preconstruite partant de a vers la validation de non-b. Il apparait alors que la dimension adversative de la relation prime sur sa dimension concessive dans la mesure ou l'enonciateur s'ecarte precisement d'un tel preconstruit en assortant au contraire la coexistence de a et de b par le biais du marqueur dans la situation d'enonciation, en effectuant par la une operation de differenciation qualitative. C'est pourquoi nous parlerons de + relation concessiveadversative ;.