
Molière et l'esthétique "naturaliste"

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Paris 3




Abstract EN:

Notre travail, qui se veut l etude d un aspect particulier de l esthetique theatrale chez moliere, s articule autour d une evolution que nous avons cru voir dans le rapport de moliere au theatre. Dans un premier temps, les comedies morales voient le dramaturage soucieux de corriger les moeurs, ce que la "crise de conscience" du misanthrope rend caduque pour amener l eshetique vers un art du plaisir, du naturel retrouve, que les comediesballets orchestrent. Ainsi s eclaire l usage que fait la conception molieresque de la nature au travers des idees philosophiques de son temps : c est a un moliere, epicurien modere dans la ligne de gassendi, nuancant son scepticisme sous l influence de la mothe le vayer que notre these a voulu contribuer a affiner le portrait. Cette perspective, ainsi degagee, affirme le plaisir "naturel" ( un epicurisme christianise ) par la maitrise de soi et la moderation des passions. La conception "libertine" a laquelle moliere adhere, apparait comme l aboutissement d un constant efgfort de l humanite pour s elever au-dessus de l animalite, dans un cri lance au monde pour retrouver sa liberte.

Abstract FR:

Our thesis examines a specific aspect of the aesthetics of the theater in moliere's work. Of central concern is the evolution of moliere's thought in relation to the theater. During an initial stage -that of the "comedies morales" the playwright is concerned with the correction of mores. But the "crisis of conscience" which accompanies the misanthrope moves the playwright beyond this stage, his aesthetics evoluing towards an art of pleasure, towards a rediscovered natural stance. This new aesthetics is orchestrated by the "comediesballets". The evolution which our thesis describes throws light on the use which moliere's thought makes of the notion of nature as formulated by the philosophical trends of his time. Our research seeks to paint in detail the portrait of moliere who is an epicurian in the tradition of gassendi, and who nuances his scepticism under the influence of la mothe le vayer. From this viewpoint, moliere can affirm natural pleasure (a chistianized epicurianism) which is realized through the control of the self and of the passions. The "libertine" philosophy to which moliere adheres appears as the endpoint of humanity's effort to raise itself above the animal condition.