Contribution a l'etude acoustique et perceptive des voyelles de l'arabe marocain de rabat
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This work of moroccan arabic of rabat was divided into two main parts. In part one, an acoustic study of vowels was realized, in part two was presented the perceptual tolerance of the listener by describing vowel identification tests. The results of the spectral analysis demonstrate significant differencies in formant values, particularly between males and females when producing vowels. This can be explained by the length of the vocal tract wich is approximally inversely proportional to the formant frequency values and by the effect of consonantal context on formant frequencies. In the perceptive study, two tests were elaboreted, one with the vowel identification insert in the words and the other with the same vowels extracted out of the consonantal context. Then, the vowels spoken in syllables are identified more accurately than vowels spoken in isolation. This is co nsistent with the hypothesis that dynamic acoustic information due to the coarticulation in syllables is important for vowel identification.
Abstract FR:
Ce travail s'est effectue en deux grandes parties. La premiere a ete consacree a l'analyse acoustique des voyelles de l'arabe marocain de rabat, la deuxieme a leur analyse perceptive. L'etude spectrale d'un corpus de phrases prononcees par plusieurs locuteurs revele une grande variabilite dans les frequences formantiques de voyelles, surtout entre hommes et femmes. Deux causes principales peuvent etre prises en consideration : les dimensions et les proportions de l'appareil vocal variable selon le sexe et les effets de la coarticulation. Dans l'analyse perceptive, deux tests ont ete elabores, l'un avec l'identification des voyelles accentuees inserees dans des mots et l'autre avec les memes voyelles extraites de leur entourage consonantique. Les voyelles isolees semblent moins bien percues que celles realisees en contexte.