Montherlant essayiste : tradition greco-latine et modernite
Montpellier 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Montherlant's essays bring together a great variety of texts. Their content brings to light the multiple influences on the author. From greek and latin antiquity to modernity montherlant unites diferent ideologies in broad-minded but disillusioned syncretism. Determined to exhaust life by alternation, his work, especially the carnets, reveals a writer infatuated with the absolute and desdainful of a world he judged to be tooinhuman.
Abstract FR:
Les essai de montherlant rassembment de nombreux textes differents. Leur contenu revele la grande multiplicite des influences subies par leur auteur. De l'antiquite greco-latine a la moderniten, montherlant fusionne des ideologies differentes en un syncretisme genereux mais desillusionne. Decide a epuiser la vie par l'alternance, ses ecrits, en particulier les carnets, denotent un ecrivain epris d'absolu et dedaigneux d'un monde juge trop humain.