L'oeuvre de fiction de Guillaume Apollinaire : contes et romans : la poétique d'un hérésiaque
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
L'oeuvre de fiction d'apollinaire merite, par son ampleur, sa diversite, son originalite, une etude synthetique que nous avons placee sous le signe de cette "heresie" exhibee dans le titre du premier recueil de contes. En effet, la confrontation de la verite et de l'erreur, de la norme et de l'invention; de l'ordre et du desordre, dynamise, au-dela du strict domaine religieux, l'ecriture fictionnelle. C'est "l'heresie narrative" qui nous retient surtout. Elle consiste d'abord, pour un ecrivain se proclamant poete, a ne pas remier le recit, a proposer des fictions qui accueillent la poesie et le theatre, a brouiller les reperes du reel et de l'imaginaire. Le concept elargi et mataphorique d'heresie permet aussi de rendre compte de la distance que prend le prosateur avec les codes herites du dix-neuvieme siecle. Apollinaire fait souffler un "esprit nouveau" sur les techniques de narration, la representation du temps et de l7espace. Il joue ostensiblement avec ses personnages, les noms et les portaits. A travers leurs actions, leur recherche de pouvoir et de savoir, il illustre sa propre quete d'identite et ses angoisses de createur. Par l'analyse des principaux points d'ancrage du recit de fiction, nous nous proposons de definir la poetique d'appollinaire prosateur et les grands principes de son estherique narrative.
Abstract FR:
Apollinaire's fiction is so large, diverse and original that it deserves a synthetic study which we have named refering to the "heresy" which is exhibited in the title of his first collection of stories. Indeed, the confrontation of truth and error, of norm and invention, of order and disorder dynamizes his fictional writing beyond the domain of religion proper. We are mainly interested in the "narrative heresy". It consists above all, for a writter who claims to be a poet, in not renoucing the narrative genre, in offering fiction works which are host to poetry and theater, and in blurring traditional landlmarks of reality and fantasy. Heresy, as a broadly constructed and metaphoric notion, also enables us to give an account of the aloofiness of the prose writer vis-a-vis the codes which the xixthh century bequeathed. Apollinaire breathes a "new spirit" into narrative techniques, into the representation of time and space. He plays ostensibly with his characters, names and portraits. Through their actions, their pursuit of power and knowledge he illustrates his own quest for identity and his anguish as a creator. Through the analysis of the main constituent elements of the fictional narrative, we propose to define the poetic of apollinaire as a prose writer and the great principle of his narrative aesthetics.