L'oeuvre poétique de Robert Mallet
Paris 4Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
L'oeuvre poetique de robert mallet est le fruit d'un profond instict vital qui fait de lui le temoin attentif et actif de notre univers en danger. Solidaire de la nature comme de tout etre vivant il en revendique la dignite et participe a leurs blessures. Sa demarche est resolument humaniste. Aux mysteres et aux contradictions de l'existence, le poete ne pretend pas apporter de reponses metaphysiques mais un patient concours a l'elaboration d'un monde respectueux de la vie. Son langage riche en images, epure par le souci du mot essentiel et de l'expression feconde, traduit une vive sensibilite dans un elan creatif toujours maitrise par la raison, au service d'un equilibre proprement humain et d'une harmonie a l'echelle planetaire. Son "chant du monde" est aussi le champ du monde qui appelle au travail car pensee et action sont indissociables. Tel est le message de robert mallet.
Abstract FR:
Robert mallet's poetry work is based on a deep and vital instinct that makes him a sensitive witness of the endangered universe. In sympathy with nature and every living being, robert mallet speaks with feeling for their dignity and shares their wounds. His thoughts and action are determinely humanist. The poet does not pretend to give any metaphysical answers to the unexplained things and the contradiction of life, but a support to a life that is respectful of the world. His language filled with images, purified by the constant care of using the right word and the productive expression, translates an important sensitiveness with a creative spirit always balanced by reason for man's sake. His poetry is an incentive to work for a better world as though and action have always been closely linked to his life. That is robert mallet's message.