Baudelaire : l'ecriture du narcissisme
Lille 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This work bring into parallel the freudian theories of narcissism melancholy and sublimation with baudelaire's poetic representations and critical formulations concerning ideal, spleen and artistic creation. It is made up of five chapters : lost paradise and narcissism shows the metapsychological meaning of the metaphysical theories which appear in baudelaire's works. Ideal and psychic conflict definies the baudelairean oppositions - work /daydream, god / satan, scattering of the self / focussing on the self - as figures of psychic conflict within the modalities of reappropnation of narcissism. Spleen and deadly narcissism studies how memecamsms of melancholy are revealed throuhout the poetic works. In _ childhood and the beginnings of sublimation are examinined rbp conditions of possibility of artistic creation starting from a new psychobiographical approach of baudelaire's prime infancy. The writing of remembrance inteprets writing process as an equivalent of work of mourning which allows for an overcoming of melancholy. The present thesis rests mainly on the works of baudelairean critics by r laforeue ch mauron, l. Bersani, j. Starobinski, j. E. Jackson et p. L. Assoun. As theoricai references have been used the works of s. Freud, k. Abraham, m. Klein h segal, j. Laplanche, j. Chasseguet-smirgel, j. Mac dougall, a. Green
Abstract FR:
M^ns1^6^^ les theories ^"diennes d" narcissisme, de la melancolie et de la sublimation avec les figurations doetiaup-, pr )pt formulations critiques de baudelaire concernant si ?e sk et ia ntrs^150^1,1 ^. ^. Tf6 de^1^pitre^ ^ theories metaphysiques qui apparaissent dans l'oeuvre ideal et rnnflit psychique definit des dualites baudelairiennes - travail/revera di^u/ satan vaporisation / centralisation - comme des figurerdu' ro^it psychique dans les modes de recuperation du narciss^sme spleei et ^c^sji^lemortel etudie la ^^t10" des mecanismes de itmeisie a interprete le travail de 1 ecriture comme un equivalent du travail du ripml qui permet un depassement de la melancolie centthese s^me ?oir 1 essenue , sur les travaux de critique baudelairienne de r lak'e ?h mauron, l. Bersani, j. Starobinski, j. E. Jackson et pl assoun mi^msvi^ri ^r' les oeuvr^ de f. Ir^t^^ k. G ' j- lai>i~lache' j- chasseguet-smirgel, j. Mac dougall, a