
Abdelkébir Khatibi et le palimpseste des langues : la littérarité comme traduction

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1994



Paris 13



Abstract EN:

This study, which aims implicitly at attempting to frame a tool for literary analysis both on a theoretical level and a mezthodological one, is based on the theory of translation as a source language. Translation is conceived here as a specific approach method of the art of writing. The theoretical relevance of this analysis tool is found in the literary work of a bdelkebir khatibi, but also in the works of octavio paz and juan goytiisolo. As a matter of fact, the main concer is, in the first place, an attempt to co nsider the specificity of an identity-based rhetoric, taking necessarily into account the "other". The identity, to which the "other" already belongs, is in a state of crisis because of its fundamental unfulfilment, as jacques lacan analyzed it in his study of the mirror phase. In the second place, it is essential to understand in what way such a tool offers a strategic means in the interpretation of a literary work through an approach to bilingualism as a platform of the originary translation --- espacially in khatibi's writing. The "tetraglossie" and thye concept of essence-language are enhanced and analyzed in some of the author's novels. To conclude, the translation process is immoderately displayed when implying plagiarism and delusions of the language. These two aspects are thus slightly percelived through a brief development serving as a starting point to a possible research.

Abstract FR:

Le but implicite de cette etude est de tenter de constituer un outil d'analyse litterative a la fois au plan theorique et methodologique a partir de la theorie de la traduction comme langue originaire. La traduction est concue ici comme mode d'approche specifique de l'ecriture. Cet outil d'analyse trouve sa pertinence theorique a partir d'ouvrages d'abdelkebir khatibi, mais aussi d'octavio paz et de juan goytisolo. Il s'agit en effet, dans un premier temps, de tenter de penser la specificite d'une rhetorique identitaire en passant par la necessite constitutive d'uin regard sur l'autre. L'autre fait toujours deja partie de l'identite et celle-ci est mise en crise par son imcompletude fondamentale, tel que l'analysait jacques lacan dans son etude du stade du miroir. Dans un second temps, il importe de voir en quoi un tel outil offre un moyen strategique dans la lecture de l'oeuvre litteratire par le biais, notamment chez khatibi, d'une approche du bilinguisme en tant que lieu de traduction originaire. La tetraglossie et le concept d'essence-langue sont releves et analyses a travers quelques romans de l'auteur.