
L'enseignement primaire indigène en Algérie de 1892 à 1949 : essai d'une histoire éducative et culturelle

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1990



Aix-Marseille 1




Abstract EN:

This study aims at giving an answer to the following question: has the french school successfully carried out its mission as concerns general education in algeria ? in order to answer to this question, we have adopted a plan including three parts and a preliminary chapter. The latter wants to be a first investigation in the historical background for a better understanding of the complexity of the algerian schooling problem. The first part is given over to the events that arose at the time when the decree dealing with the official establishment of a specific teaching to indigenous children was applied in october 18th 1892. The second part is among others an analysis of the basis of a teaching system weakened bay a long debate. The third part copes with the new general education policy as stated after world war 2, which endeavoured to develop scholing among algerian children. This programme led primary school to unite in algeria, in other words to the deletion of the ips. As a whole, the result of this study is that, according to statistics, the french school foreing policy had but a poor impact in algeria.

Abstract FR:

Cette etude a pour but de repondre a cette question : l'ecole francaise a-t-elle rempli sa mission en algerie. Pour y repondre, nous avons adopte un plan comprenant trois parties et chapitre preliminaire. Ce dernier se veut une premiere exploration permettant une meilleure comprehension de la complexite du probleme scolaire algerien. La premiere partie a ete consacree aux problemes rencontres lors de la mise en application du decret du 18 octobre 1892, relatif a l'institution officielle d'un enseignement specifique aux enfants indigenes. La seconde partie a ete axee notamment sur l'analyse des differents programmes etablis en vue de consolider la base d'un enseignement affaibli par un long debat. La troisieme partie a fait etat de la politique scolaire engagee apres la seconde guerre mondiale, visant a developper la scolarisation des enfants algeriens et accelerer sa cadence. Cette politique a ete couronnee par l'unification de l'enseignement primaire en algerie, autrement dit la suppression de l'epi. Il resulte de cette etude que, mesuree a ses resultats chiffres, l'oeuvre scolaire de la france en algerie a eu un faible impact.