La tradition dans l'oeuvre de Paul Ricoeur
Aix-Marseille 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The matter of this thesis is to make the concept of "tradition" in philosophy clearer through the work of p. R. The latter was born in 1913, he was a writer, a philosopher and a believer, and he has been known to be the sole advocate of hermeneutics (interpretation) in philosophy. Hermeneutics is indispensable to man to understand himself as the subject doesn't master meaning, but is subservient to it. He is not in tune with himself partly because of his tradition. But nowhere does p. R. Explain this theme, neither in his articles nor in his books. Why is it so ? this thesis aims at demonstrating that there is no clear answer to the question : a) because the concept of "tradition" which conventionally associates the fact that a subject belongs to a community, to a temporality going back to an immemorial past and to the permanence of a language as well as to an aspiration to perennisation, was accepted as such only in the first part of the work before 1965. B) because after the "linguistic turn" and the discovery of the anglo-saxon analytic philosophy, p. R. Dropped these traditional norms of the notion of tradition to adopt intersubjectivity. The subjects are not integrated in a community any more but each for his own sake will interpret the wormd spread in front of him thanks to the texts to which p. R. Assimilates the acts and the works from the past that man must understand to try and know himself.
Abstract FR:
Il s'agit, dans cette these, d'eclairer le concept "tradition" en philosophie, a travers l'oeuvre de paul ricoeur. Cet auteur, ne en 1913, philosophe et croyant, est repute pour etre le seul representant de l'hermeneutique (interpretation) en philosophie. Cette hermeneutique est indispensable a l'homme pour se comprendre, car le sujet n'est pas le maitre du sens, mais le disciple du sens. Il est decale d'avec lui-meme en partie par sa tradition. Mais paul ricoeur n'explicite ce theme dans aucun de ses articles ou de ses livres. Pourquoi ? cette these pretend montrer qu'il n'y a pas de reponse claire a la question : a)- parce que le concept "tradition" associant classiquement l'appartenance d'un sujet a une communaute, une temporalite remontant a un immemorial, la permanence d'un langage, une aspiration a la perennisation, n'est entendue avec ce sens la que dans la premiere partie de l'oeuvre avant 1965. B)- parce qu'apres le "tournant linguistique" et la decouverte de la philosophie analytique anglo-saxonne, paul ricoeur abandonne ces normes classiques de la tradition, au profit de l'intersubjectivite. Les sujets ne sont plus fondus dans une communaute, mais interpretent, chacun pour son propre compte, le monde deploye devant eux par les textes auxquels ricoeur assimile les actions, les oeuvres passees, que l'homme doit comprendre pour tenter de se connaitre.