Minorité nationale, territoire et développement : les Albanais en Yougoslavie
Toulouse 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The purpose of this research is to study the problems of national integration of the albanian minority within the yugoslav society and the development problems of the area inhabited by this minority, considering that these two questions are linked together. The first part examines the concepts of national minority and development and the problems we meet when applying them to the yugoslav context. The second part delimits the albanian inhabited regions in yugoslavia, describes their main geographical features, identifies them as the most underdevelopped area of the whole country, then examines the types of contact between the albanians and their neighbours and compares them with these people, specially from a demographic point of view. The third part explains how the albanians became a national minority in serbia, later in yugoslavia, and deals with the historical background of the present day underdevelopment. The fourth part examines the yugoslav regional development policy experiment, its results and the polemics which arose about its failure to resolve the economic and social problems of the albanian inhabited regions. The last part deals with the crisis of the eighties, both as a general crisis in yugoslavia and as a political and inter-ethnic one in the albanian inhabited area, specially in the kosovo province. This crisis is now stopping and reversing the national integration and regional
Abstract FR:
Ce travail etudie conjointement la question de l'integration nationale de la minorite albanaise dans la formation sociale yougoslave et celle du developpement des regions ou cette minorite est implantee, considerant ces deux ordres de problemes comme interdependants. La partie procede a un approfondissement theorique a propos des concepts de minorite nationale et de developpement et de leur application au contexte yougoslave. La seconde delimite l'aire de peuplement albanais, en presente les caracteristiques geographiques, l'identifie comme une aire de sous-developpement paroxystique, etudie les modes de contact des albanais avec leurs voisins et les compare a ceux-ci, notamment du point de vue demographique. La 3e partie rend compte de la formation historique de cette situation de minorite et des racines du sous-developpement regional accentue. La 4e partie evalue l'experience yougoslave de developpement regional appliquee a ce terrain, examine ses resultats et les polemiques engendrees par ses echecs. La derniere partie traite de la crise des annees 80, crise socio-economique et institutionnelle en yougoslavie, crise politique et conflit entre groupes nationaux dans l'aire etudiee, particulierement au kosovo. Cette crise bloque et inverse aussi bien les processus d'integration nationale que la dynamique du developpement regional.