Imaginaire et biographie dans l'oeuvre de Jean Paul Sartre
Aix-Marseille 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The aim of this study is to elucidate, through the multifarious works of j. P. Sartre - biographies, philosophical or critical essays, novels - a "textual subject" which is thinking its own relation to the act of writing. By this approach, which calls in question the idea of an empirical self, we can point out a subject which breaks itself out from nature and life (as it is the mainfunction of the sartrian "imaginary), replaces the "flesh" by a "style", and actual death by an "inward death" or "false death". That subject, the existential project of which j. P. Sartre describes as a "desire of being", is the very subject of the biographies and of les mots. So, the verb "to be", beyond the sense it accepts as opposed to the notion of "existence", becomes a special significant linked, according to the contexts, with the phantasm of unbroken totality, with the beautiful, with the symbolic abolishing of sexual difference, with a new consistency ("thickening") of language, materialized by writing. The "textual subject" which becomes patent throughout this process does not obliterate the contents of j. P. Sartre's ethics, which in the contrary comes up more strength. For the "conversion" according to j. P. Sartre, rises from the dead-lock of the desire of being, and cannot be connected with the corpus independently of an unremitting attempt to the absolute act, which the subject cannot effect, but only admit as being broken by alterity.
Abstract FR:
Le but de cette these est de degager de l'ensemble du corpus sartrien (biographies, essais philosophiques et critiques, romans) un sujet textuel qui pense son propre rapport a l'ecriture. Cette demarche, qui problematise l'idee d'un sujet empirique, permet de reperer un sujet qui "s'arrache" a la nature, se separe de la vie (role preponderant de l'imaginaire sartrien), remplace la "chair" par un "style", la mort externe par une mort "interne" ou "fausse mort". Ce sujet dont le projet existentiel est defini par j. P sartre comme "desir d'etre", est le meme sujet des biographies et des mots. Le verbe etre depasse ainsi le sens qui lui est assigne par son opposition au terme d'"existence" et devient un signifiant qui se lie selon les contextes au fantasme d'une totalite non brisee, a la beaute, a l'annulation symbolique de la difference sexuelle, enfin a un "epaississement du langage" reussi par l'ecriture. Le sujet textuel qui se degage de ce parcours n'efface pas le contenu de l'ethique sartrienne, laquelle en sort au contraire renforcee. La "conversion" de j. P. Sartre nait elle-meme en effet des impasses du desir d'etre et ne saurait s'articuler dans le corpus independamment d'une tension incessante vers l'absolu de l'acte, que le sujet ne saurait accomplir mais seulement accepter comme brise par l'alterite.