
La figure du père dans l'oeuvre romanesque d'Aragon

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997



Aix-Marseille 1


Abstract EN:

Aragon's father, louis andrieux, falsified his son's family relationship to mask his illigitimate birth. The secret and the lie within the realm of this family fable leads to his precocious writing which transforms them into a positive salutary movement of his own invention, the will of fiction. His works foster a subtle relationship with this secret in content and in theme. The literary creation rectifies the problematical relationship to the father through symbolic recreation by reshaping an order which emancipates. The exclusion of the father from the works corresponds to the non-recognition of the son by the father. This elimination, however, cannot prevent the interiorisation of father imagery underlying the text. Being the source of individuality, this issue is resolved by means of literary creation and serves as an obscure foundation for major creative crises. The paternal theme, recogniseable in the paternal characters or in discourse dealing with paternity, is predetermined by the original relationship to his true father. His variations which tend to account for the father spring from accidents arising in personal experience as well as from historical events, and affect the content and formal expression of the works. They accompany his vision of the world and aesthetic choices. Nevertheless, the integration of the father figure extends beyond its romanesque plot structure. The father is cryptically portrayed in other thematic configurations and scriptural practices. The otherworld created is influenced by the world inherited from his father. In aragon's romanesque conception, the representation of interactive paternity with regard to the works and the interrogation on creation transpose the original facts. The writer repossesses them through original concepts such as the "mentir-vrai" (which could foreshadow "fiction of facts"), self-generation or creation as crime to change them into the source, subject matter and structure of the work.

Abstract FR:

Le pere d'aragon, louis andrieux, organise la falsification de la filiation de son fils pour masquer sa naissance illegitime. Le secret sur l'origine et le mensonge du "theatre familial" susciteront une ecriture precoce qui les retournera positivement dans un mouvement salvateur de fabulation mimetique, "la volonte de roman". L'oeuvre entretient avec le secret des rapports complexes et profonds. La creation litteraire permet la reparation d'un rapport au pere problematique en le reversant sur le plan symbolique, par la construction d'un ordre emancipateur. A la non-reconnaissance du fils par le pere repond l'exclusion du pere hors de l'oeuvre. Mais l'elimination ne peut empecher l'interiorisation de la question paternelle qui fait retour dans le texte. Celle-ci, touchant a l'origine de l'individu, se regle dans la creation litteraire, et fonctionne comme soubassement obscur des grandes crises creatrices. La thematique paternelle reperable a travers les personnages de peres ou un discours sur la paternite est surdeterminee par le rapport initial au pere reel. Ses variations, qui tendent a faire la part du pere, emanent aussi bien d'accidents du vecu que d'evenements historiques, et affectent le contenu ideel et l'expression formelle. Elles s'inscrivent dans la vision du monde et les options esthetiques. Mais l'integration de la figure paternelle deborde largement sa mise en intrigue romanesque. La question du pere est cryptee dans d'autres configurations thematiques et des pratiques scripturales. Le contremonde cree est contamine par le monde legue par le pere. Dans la conception romanesque d'aragon, l'imaginaire de la paternite de l'oeuvre et le questionnement sur la creation transposent les donnees originelles. L'ecrivain se les reapproprie a travers des concepts originaux, tels le mentir-vrai (qui pourrait bien prefigurer l'auto-fiction), l'auto-engendrement, ou la creation comme crime pour les transformer en source, matiere et organisation d'une oeuvre.