
Réalité et plénitude chez Peter Handke

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Paris 12




Abstract EN:

With three references - spinoza, husserl, proust - as starting points, this thesis undertakes to interpret the works of peter handke: the apprehension and true cognition of the real turn out to be its key-themes. Reality and language are determined in relation to non-reality and nonlanguage. This thesis emphasizes the phenomenological aspect of the approach of the real and establishes the handkean means to achieve it: writing, perception, walking, vacancy, reminiscence or, in other terms, re-calling of the past. Finally, the perceiving and cognizant subject experiences - through a sensation of plenitude - an existential and ontological feeling.

Abstract FR:

A partir de trois references (spinoza, husserl, proust) cette these entreprend d'interpreter l'oeuvre de peter handke: l'apprehension et la connaissance vraie du reel s'averent en etre les themes-cles. Realite et langage sont determines par rapport a la non-realite et au non-langage. La these soulagne l'aspect phenomenologique de l'approche du reel et etablit les moyens "handkeens" d'y parvenir: ecriture, perception, marche, vacance, reminiscence ou encore "reprise". Enfin, le sujet percevant et connaissant eprouve a travers une sensation de plenitude, un sentiment existentiel et ontologique.