Bernanos en quête de communion
Aix-Marseille 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The artistic creation of georges bernanos is chracterized by a long search of communion, the evolution of which is visib le through a chronological and comprehensive study of his works, whether novels or political writings. His idea on communion is in no way limited to the communion of saints : far larger than that, it includes any relation with others, whoever they may be. Inspired by the "catholic renewal" achieved by peguy, it is also stamped by the spirituality of two saints : john of arc and therese of the child jesus. Both of them can be seen as true archetypes of communion. This analysis is based on the findings of bakhtine who studied the "polyphonic" novel and of buber who pondered over the concept of dialogue. Bernanos's relations of communion to others clearly changed and deepened along with his works, proved to be closely bound to the social and political events of his time. Besides, his idea on communion is firmly based on his anthropology, rooted in his christian faith, especially when it comes to the concept of the freedom of man, created in the image of god.
Abstract FR:
La creation artistique de georges bernanos est marquee par une longue quete de communion dont l'evolution se fait jour, non seulement a travers l'etude chronologique de son oeuvre mais encore a travers romans et ecrits de combat confondus. Sa conception de la communion ne se limite point a la simple "communion des saints" : elle se presente de maniere beaucoup plus large et englobe toute relation avec l'autre, quel qu'il soit. Inspiree de la "renaissance catholique" oepree par peguy, elle est egalement marquee par la spiritualite de deux saintes : jeanne d'arc et therese de lisieux, qui constitueront ici de veritables archetypes de la communion. Les outils de cette analyse sont empruntes a bakhtine, auteur de la theorie du roman polyphonique et au philosophe buber pour l'etude du dialogue. La relation de communion de l'ecrivain aux autres evoluera nettement au cours de son oeuvre et ce, en profonde interaction avec les evenements politiques et sociaux de son epoque. Sa vision de la communion s'avere, par ailleurs, fortement marquee par son anthropo logie d'inspiration chretienne, basee sur le concept de la liberte de l'homme, cree a l'image de dieu.