Le roman féminin algérien d'expression française : 1947-1998
Paris 13Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The aim of this thesis is to study the evolution of the algerian french written female novel. This thesis comprises a general introduction which deals on the one hand with the current state of research on the topic ; and on the other hand locates the algerian female novel in its social environment. We have organised our study in three chapters. The first one is entitled : the first generation of algerian french writing women writers 1947-1962. Here we have displayed the roots conditions of the female novel in algeria. We have also detailed the view of the first women writers on their reality through varied topics, revolt against family and the longing to gain freedom. . . The second chapter is about the second generation of algerian women writers 1962-1980 and it focuses on the attitude towards sexuality, the female desire and the birth of the couple. The third chapter, the third generation of algerian women writers 1980-1998, is about the social and political conditions in the eighties and nineties which favored the female upcoming into writing. We have tried to outline the mechanism of rebellion brought about by women writers and their prospect of taboo subjects such as religion, politics and sexuality.
Abstract FR:
L'objet de cette these est d'etudier l'evolution du roman feminin algerien d'expression francaise. La these comprend une introduction generale qui fait d'une part le point sur l'etat de la recherche et d'autre part situe le roman feminin algerien dans son contexte social. Nous avons organise notre etude selon trois chapitres. Le premier s'intitule : la premiere generation d'ecrivaines algeriennesd'expression francaise (1947-1962). Dans ce chapitre nous avons examine les conditions de la naissance du roman feminin en algerie. Nous avons egalement detaille le regard des premieres ecrivaines sur la realite a travers divers themes: la revolte contre la famille, le desir de conquerir la liberte. . . Dans le deuxieme chapitre: la deuxieme generation d'ecrivaines algeriennes (1962-1980), nous avons etudie l'approche de la sexualite, le desir deminin et la naissance du couple. Le troisieme chapitre intitule la troisieme generation d'ecrivaines algeriennes (1980-1998), examine le contexte social et politique des annees 80-90 qui a favorise la poussee des femmes dans l'ecriture. Nous avons essayer de rendre compte du mecanisme de rebellion que les ecrivaines ont genere a partir de l'exploration des sujets tabous : le religieux, la politique et la sexualite.