Natura Natural Naturaleza : analyse des éléments d'une conceptualisation politique dans les "Siete partidas" d'Alphonse X, dit Le Savant
Paris 13Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
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Abstract FR:
If we start from the notion of the observation of nature in the "siete partidas" by alfonso x, we question ourselves about the modality of his presence in this juridical work. The lexico-semantic analysis of natura, natural, naturaleza reveals that these words, as well as their derivatives, are the elements of a political conceptualization. Indeed, this triad gives rise to a fruitful exploitation and allows us to follow a series of parallelisms. Those bring out an inner logic which develops the notions of obedience, submission, necessary for the alfonsin jurists, anxious to set up an unchanging basis of the "natural" relationship, that is to say, the unquestionable link, between the king and his subjects.