
La ville d'Alger vers la fin du XVIIIe siècle : population et cadre urbain

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1994



Aix-Marseille 1




Abstract EN:

The study of archive documents (principaly) probate inventories of the bayt al-mal and waaf titles), being kepts as microfilms in the archives d'outre mer in aix-en-provence, helps drowing an image of the city of algiers and the various components of its society during the 18th century. A demographic study of the population is followed by an analysis of the hierarchical order of the tukish milicia (ugak) and of its activities, such as tax collection (mahalla). Navy and privateering are being studied too. Residences of the janissaires (in the barracks and in town) and their civil status analysis is being followed by a study of the group of the sons of turkish soldiers and local women (kulugli). Different components of civil population including black slaves, are studied as well as their economic activities (trade, crafts. . . ), and women's participation in those activities lodging of the civil population is being studied too. The study of waaf (religious foundations) deeds reveals the situation of the city with its fortifications and its harbour, which serves as a framework for all that population. Two separate sections appear : "downtown", public area where the administrative, economic and religious centers are situated, and "uptown", where residential quarters with their daily life equipments are to be found. The distribution of the population, in the different areas of the city, according to its richness is also being described.

Abstract FR:

A partir principalement de documents des archives d'alger (inventaires apres deces du bayt al-mal, actes de habus) dont les microfilms se trouvent aux archives d'outre-mer a aix-en-provence, se dessine une image de la societe d'alger et de ses composantes au cours du xviiie siecle. Apres une etude demographique de la population, la hierarchie de la milice turque (ugak) et ses activites sont analyses. La marine corsaire et la course maritime sont egalement etudiees. On procede ensuite a une analyse des residences des janissaires (dans les casernes et en ville) et de leurs etat-civil ainsi qu'a l'etude du groupe des fils de militaires et de femmes indigenes (kulugli). Les differentes composantes de la population civile, leur residence et leurs diverses activites economiques (commerce, artisanat etc) et la participation des femmes dans cette activite sont egalement etudiees. L'etude des actes de habus (dotations pieuses) permet de dessiner la situation de la ville qui sert le cadre a la population, avec ses fortifications et son port. On y voit apparaitre deux parties distinctes: la ville basse, zone publique qui abrite les centres administratifs, economiques et religieux, et la ville haute, zone a destination residentielle, ou se trouvaient principalement les quartiers avec leurs equipements. La repartition de la population suivant sa richesse dans les differentes parties de la ville est egalement decrite.