La mort dans l'écriture célinienne : de la médecine à la littérature /par Jeff Fox
Aix-Marseille 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Starting from a letter from an outraged reader, the basis for a rigourous analysis of the diverse works of celine can be undertaken. Paradoxically close to the actual feeling of a work by celine kimself, the letter, as a response to death on the installment plan, allows us to reflect upon celine's works as a whole, as well as his actual writing style. After the consideration of proust as a prototype for celine, this thesis attempts to justify a theoretical interpretation of celine's writings on the basis of death (in his writing). Eight chapters, each presenting a specific, organic death and its cause in the different works will be considered.
Abstract FR:
A partir d'une lettre indignee d'un lecteur de mort a credit les bases d'une analyse rigoureuse de l'ecriture celinienne peuvent etre etablies. Considere dans son ensemble, l'oeuvre de celine- son propos et aussi son style- decrit la mort physique. Cette these analyse en huit chapitres, apres un passage sur proust considere comme un prototype, comment cette mort se manifeste dans differents ecrits celiniens.