L'ecriture distraite (introduction au texte de clarice lispector)
Paris 8Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The thesis is divided into three parts : in search of the unrelatable, the dizziness of comprehension, incomprehension and renouncing, which correspond, in our minds, to the essential movements of clarice lispector's writing. First there is an "encounter" : something happens which disorganises life, reality, sense, the subject to whom the event, the happening occurs. This disorganisation is at the origin of the wrinting which seeks to understand, to give form to what is happening. But this attempt to understand must respect the event as such, in its strangeness and its alterity, without integrating it, appropriating it, neutralising it (here lie the particularly ethical demands of this wrinting). Thus the writing goes forward in drawing back, comes closer in moving away. To welcome, receive the other as such, it gives form while respecting formlessness, renouncing understanding in order to participate in the mystery of the incomprehensible.
Abstract FR:
La these se divise en trois parties : a la rencontre de l'inracontable, le vertige de la comprehension, incomprehension et renoncement, qui correspondent, pour nous, aux mouvements essentiels de l'ecriture de clarice lispector. Il y a d'abord une "rencontre" : quelque chose arrive qui fait evenement, qui desorganise la vie, la realite, le sens, le sujet qui subit cette arrivee. Cette desorganisation est a l'origine de l'ecriture qui cherche a comprendre, a donner forme a ce qui est arrive. Mais cet effort de comprehension doit respecter l'evenement en tant que tel, dans son etrangete et son alterite, sans l'integrer, l'approprier, le neutraliser (c'est la, l'exigence proprement ethique de cette ecriture). Ainsi l'ecriture avance en se retirant, s'approche en s'eloignant. Pour accueillir l'autre en tant que tel, elle donne forme en respectant l'informe, en renoncant a la comprehension pour participer au mystere de l'incomprehensible.