Approches du theatre sud-africain
Abstract EN:
The thesis is composed of various studies dating from 1974 to 1989. Most of this work has already been presented in the form of conference papers or publications. The main concern is with different approaches to the theatre in south africa. South african theatre gradually became our principal object of study via two apparently unrelated issues : a general enquiry into the theatre in times of political and social conflict at different periods and, stemming from a curiosity for the literature of apartheid, preliminary studies of the south african novel. We researched the main subject by trying to see the different aspects and ethnic divisions in perspective and then by looking for the specificity of south african theatrical performance. Having spent four months doing research in south africa, it appeared a good idea to give an account of this visit as well as of the cultural boycott which affects the reception of south african theatre in europe. The last and third part of this work attempts a study in depth of the market theatre, johannesburg. The conclusion deals with the question of whether and to what extent the new culture-brokers are a continuation of white hegemony.
Abstract FR:
Cette these est composee de differents travaux faits entre 1974 et 1989. Presentes deja, pour la plupart, sous forme de communications orales lors de colloques et congres, ou ecrits, publies ou sous presse, ces travaux s'organisent autour d'un axe central : le theatre en afrique du sud. Notre interet s'est progressivement porte sur le theatre sud-africain a travers deux preoccupations : une enquete sur le theatre en situation de crise politique et sociale a differentes epoques et, suscitee par une curiosite pour la litterature de l'apartheid, une etude du roman en afrique du sud. Pour aborder le sujet principal, il a fallu tenter une mise en perspective de divers elements, puis faire ressortir la specificite de ce theatre "en situation". Partie quatre mois etudier sur place, il nous a paru pertinent de rendre compte de cette visite en afrique du sud, ainsi que des divers mouvements de boycottage culturel qui affectent la reception de ce theatre en europe. Pour terminer, notre troisieme partie pretend a un approfondissement a travers un travail sur le market theatre, johannesburg. La conclusion pose la question de savoir dans quelle mesure les "culture-brokers" exercent une nouvelle hegemonie blanche.