Maupassant et le mouvement de la nouvelle litterature chinoise
Paris 10Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Before the end of 19th century, china, in terms of literature, was isolated from the outside world. What is more, the doctrine of confucius qnd mencius was looking down upon fiction. These an the reasons for the backwardness of chinese literature. The failure in the opium war made me chines intellectuals began to awake in looking for the reasons for the falure, the chinese intellectuals came to know that the most important reason for backwardness of the country is the dictatorship, and the condition for the existance of the dictatorship was the ignorancy of the people. Due to this fiction became the powerful weapon for awaking the people. The chinese intellectuals began to fight for a real position foi literature. Hence the chinese new literature movement started. People of the chinese literature field thought that the introduction and traslation of literary works of western countries is the only effective method for improving chinese literature. Guy de maupassant, the french writer, was thought as the man of letters and the model for the chinese literature to follow. The new chinese literature movement broke out on may 4th, 1919, the time when the chinese writers and criticists competed to research on maupassant's literary works and his literary theories, and the chinese publishers competed to publish the traslations of maupassant's literary works. At that time, whenever the chinese writers talked about literature, they would mention the french writer, maupassant,who was known to nearly all the chinese writers. His literary works have been now selected into the text books for the students in middle schools, high schools,colleges of arts and the party schools of the chinese communist party. Literary utilitarianism and pragmatism were parts of chinese tradition. Maupassant's literary works can be used to serve the politics of the chinese communist party. Thus it has got a place of existance in china. The real value of his works is that he is immortal in me field of chinese literature and his works made the chinese literary field imbued with energy.
Abstract FR:
La chine etait un pays presque completement isole, du point de vue litteraire, du monde avant la fin du xixe siecle. Et le confucianisme exclut toujours le roman. Voila la raison pour laquelle la litterature chinoise etait sous-developpee. La defaite de la chine dans la guerre d'opium en 1840 a eveille les intellectuels chinois qui se mirent a en chercher la cause. Us considerent que l'ignorance du peuple constituait la cause du sous-developpement general. C'est ainsi que le roman fut considere comme un vehicule efficace de pensee pour eveiller le peuple. On se mit a se disputer de la place convenable a donner au roman. Et la preparation du mouvement de la nouvelle litterature chinoise fut mise en oeuvre. Les lettres chinois penserent que la presentation et la traduction des oeuvres litteraires des pays occidentaux constituaient le seul moyen efficace pour ameliorer la litterature chinoise, hauteur fiancais, guy de maupassant fut considere comme le maitre illustre de la litterature occidentale et devint le modele de la leur. Les ecrivains et les commentateurs chinois etudierent beaucoup ses oeuvres et ses theories litteraires pendant la periode du mouvement de la nouvelle litterature chinoise qui s'est declenche le 4 mai 1 1919. Les editeurs chinois d'alors rivaliserent pour publier des traductions des ouvrages de maupassant. Les revues litteraires et synthetiques editerent a qui mieux mieux la traduction de ses nouvelles. Maupassant devint l'auteur francais dont tous les lettres chinois parlaient. Des collegiens, des lyceens, des etudiants de lettres et des stagiaires de l'ecole du p. C. C. Etudient | maupassant aujourd'hui encore. L'utilitarisme litteraire et le pragmatisme constituent une partie de la tradition chinoise. Maupassant est utilise pour de servir la politique du p. C. C. Qui lui donne en revanche un espace d'existence. La vraie valeur de ses nouvelles et de ses romans le rend immortel en chine. Il anime toujours la discussin du monde des lettres chinois.