
Aspects de l'écriture non-linéaire chez Rabelais

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1986




Abstract EN:

My study will touch on three main topics in rabelaisian criticism. To begin with, it will be concerned with some of spitzer's theoretical and descriptive studies. I shall survey briefly some of his main theoretical assumptions, the general framework of rabelaisian stylistic analysis. I will next consider some psychoanalytical theories concerning language but only in relation to the more central problem of rabelais's creative style. A further purpose of this study is to show that rabelais's conception of language in literature is related to the more formal and technical joycean writings. Such an approach will treat of freud's methodological principles and thus rethink certain aspects of some of the current interpretations of rabelais's writings. My general purpose in this study is also to examine the rabelaisian fiction in order to ascertain his particular use of language.

Abstract FR:

Cette etude concerne trois aspects de la critique rabelaisienne. Je propose, tout d'abord, un succint rappel des theories stylistiques de spitzer. A partir de ce modele interpretatif je considere le style creatif de rabelais dans une perspective psychanalytique. J'introduis ainsi, dans l'analyse textuelle, certains aspects des theories psychanalytiques du langage. Cette methode permet ainsi de repenser les interpretations traditionnelles des ecrits rabelaisiens et, en meme temps, d' esquisser les rapports entre l'ecriture rabelaisienne et la creation litteraire contemporaine representee par le dernier roman de james joyce. J'examine donc, avec un certain souci detail, l'usage particulier du langage chez rabelais en faisant appel a des differentes approches methodologiques.