Le "comic book", objet culturel nord-américain
Bordeaux 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This dissertation bears on the periodical comis strip magazines distributed in the united states and canada since the 1930's, aka comic books. The key contention of this research is that the comic book, as any cultural artifact, is posited at the core of a network of discourses and social practices whose interpretive potential is twofold; on the one hand, they emphasize a number of revealing features proper to the social environment in which comic books are produced, on the other, they are instrumental in accounting for the comic book's inferiour cultural status. The first part is a historical survey whose purpose is to lay down a periodization framework suitable for further analysis of the medium. The second part addresses the evolution of the comics industry's central mechanisms, is creative process and commercial distribution, since the 1930s. In the third part, comic book contents are looked into from four angles: the booklet as self-contained artifact (ads, readers' mail, etc); foremost genres (comics "for kids", superheroes); comic books as a means of propaganda and education; "obscene" comic books (pornography and violence). Finally, the fourth part deals with the economic, socialn and cultural background of the comic book's apparent inability to accede to any form of cultural legitimacy (general public's indifference, recurring if limited censorship, etc) despite tentative signs of assimilation into the cultural mainstream.
Abstract FR:
Cette these porte sur les revues de bande dessinee en anglais diffusees aux etats-unis et au canada depuis les annees 30 (comic books ). Comme toute production culturelle, le comic book s inscrit dans un reseau de praiques sociales et de discours qui en font un revelateur de la societe qui le produit et permettent de rendre compte du statut subalterne qui est le sien. La premiere partie pose les jalons d une periodisation visant a fournir un cadre historique fiable et fonctionnel pour l analyse ulterieure. La deuxieme partie fait le point sur l evolution des modes de fabrication et de diffusion depuis les annees 30. La troisieme partie examine les contenus des comic books sous quatre angles : le fascicule comme objet autonome (publicites, courrier des lecteurs, etc) ; les grands genres (cb "pour enfants", super-heros) ; les cb comme vehicules d education et de propagande ; les cb "obscenes" (violence et pornographie). La quatrieme et derniere partie examine les conditions economiques, sociales et culturelles justifiant l apparente incapacite des cb a acceder a aucune forme de reconnaissance culturelle (indifference du grand public, recurrence de discours de censure ponctuels, non-credibilite du discours critique des amateurs, discours "negatifs" de l avant-garde artistique) malgre quelques signes avant-coureurs d une entree progressive (mais non irreversible) des comic books dans la production culturelle legitime.