Le message publicitaire dans "Punch" : 1980-1983
Bordeaux 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Presentation of the context in which the magazine stands as an advertising medium : historical survey of adversiting in great britain since its beginning, evolution of punch since its creation, study of the present components (rates, readership, editorial and advertising contents). Semiologically-oriented analysis of the message conveyed by the display ads of punch: the specificity inherent in the adversiting genre, the visual and verbal structuring of its message, the forms of representation as techniques and reflections of an ideology. These two studies converge on showing a harmony between punch advertisers and readers as well as an excellent appropriateness between, on the one hand, its advertising discourse, elitist, loaded with the dreams of the male audience it is aimed at and, on the other-hand, the objective reality of its urban, male, well-to-do readership.
Abstract FR:
Presentation du contexte dans lequel s'inscrit le magazine en tant que support publicitaire : histoirque de l'activite publicitaire en grande-bretagne depuis ses debuts, evolution de punch depuis sa creation, etude des composants actuelles (tarifs, lectorat, contenus redactionnel et publicitaire). Analyse a orientation semiologique du message vehicule par les annonces de punch : la specificite propre au genre publicitaire, la structuration visuelle et verbale de son message, les modes de representation en tant que techniques et reflets d'une ideologie. Ces deux etudes concourrent a degager un harmonie entre les annonceurs et les lecteurs de punch et une excellente adequation entre, d'une part, son discours publicitaire elitiste, porteur des reves de l'audience masculine qu'il vise et, d'autre part, la realite objective de son lectorat urbain, masculin, aise