
Le théâtre communautaire sud-africain : théâtre intertextuel par excellence

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995




Abstract EN:

In our approach to south african community-based theatre in the black townships, we have focused attention on the study of the other and of the community, who use this form of theatre as a means of expressing themselves. We refer to a dynamic and dialogic theory, ssentially inspired from mikhail bakhtin. We point out the intertextual components of this basically oral theatre, which almost always embodies some songs, along with music and dances. This same intertextuality involves the link between text and performance, as well as the interaction with the audience and the social context. Every performance is in itself unique and non reproducible. Various other major concepts, like hierarchy and the struggle for power, the interpretation of culture and tradition, enrich these networks of intertextuality, which are investigated both with regard to the process at work and to that of the theatre pieces already completed. We have examined several groups of artists in detail, on the basis of some interviews and studio or video cassettes that we have personally recorded in the field.

Abstract FR:

Dans l'approche du theatre communautaire sud-africain des townships noires, nous avons privilegie l'etude de l'autre et de la communaute, qui utilisent cette forme de theatre comme moyen d'expression. Nous nous sommes basee sur une theorie dynamique et dialogique inspiree essentiellement de mikhail bakhtine. Nous mettons en evidence les composantes intertextuelles de ce theatre principalement oral, et qui incorpore presque toujours des chants, de la musique et de la danse. L'intertextualite concerne le rapport texte-representation, l'interaction avec le public et le contexte social. Chaque representation est un evenement unque et non reproductible. Differents autres concepts forts, comme la hierarchie et la lutte pour le pouvoir, la culture et la tradition, sont venus enrichir les reseaux de cette intertextualite, que nous avons etudies autant du point de vue du processus en oeuvre que de celui des pieces theatrales realisees. Plusieurs groupes artistiques sont examines de maniere detaillee, sur la base d'interviews et de cassettes audio et video que nous avons personnellement enregistrees sur le terrain.