
Traditions culturelles et pouvoir politique dans le roman nigérian, 1958-1988

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1999



Paris 3


Abstract EN:

The production of nigerian novels written in english from 1958 to 1988 which is analysed in this study, is able to significantly "refract" or "pick up" the nigerian socio-political realities. Indeed the sociocritical approach applied to the reading of the "first and second generation novels" highlights the development of corruption and the ethnic selfishness that the main political forces known as "the big three" stemming from the three main cultures (igbo, hausa and yoruba) are using in order to monopolize the federal power. The nigerian first and second generation novelists are respectively of the "elitist" and "semipopular" tendencies. But whatever their literary tendency, by creating "discrepancies", imagining "better places where to live" and proposing "small-scale models of societies" in their novels, they are all trying, following wole soyinka (whose writing sums up both tendencies), to lay the foundations of mutual understanding between different nigerian cultures which are ignoring or hating one another, hoping to achieve the national integration.

Abstract FR:

La production romanesque nigeriane d'expression anglaise de 1958 a 1988 analysee dans le cadre de cette etude, est capable de refracter ou de capter d'une maniere pertinente les realites socio-politiques du nigeria. En effet, la lecture sociocritique des romans de la "premiere et deuxieme generation", permet de degager l'evolution de la corruption et de l'ethnocentrisme dont les trois principalesforces politiques denommees "the big three" issues des trois principales cultures (igbo, haussa et yoruba) se servent pour s'accaparer du pouvoir federal. Les romanciers nigerians de la premiere et deuxieme generation sont respectivement de tendance "elitiste" ou "semi-populaire". Mais quelles que soient leurs tendances litteraires, en creant des "ecarts" des "ailleurs meilleurs" et en proposant des "modeles reduits de societes" dans leurs oeuvres, ils essaient tous, a l'instar de wole soyinka qui leur sert de modele (son ecriture resume les deux tendances), de jeter les ponts entre les differentes cultures nigerianes qui s'ignorent ou qui se meprisent dans l'espoir de realiser le creuset d'integration nationale.