Étude de la discrimination positive : le cas du Royaume-Uni pendant les "années Thatcher" (1979-1990)
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Une etude du concept de "discrimination positive" et de son utilisation au royaume-uni pendant les "annees thatcher" (1979-90). Cette politique ne fut jamais clairement percue. Elle fut source de confusion et ne beneficia jamais d'un concensus en sa faveur. Les divers cas de "discrimination positive" recenses pendant cette periode sont sporadiques et appliques au coup par cou p. Cette politique ne fut ni adoptee, ni imposee par le gouvernement central, mais toleree seulement.
Abstract FR:
A study of the concept of "positive discrimination" and its use in favour of the ethnic minorities in the uk during the "thatcher years" (1979-90). There was a great deal of confusion over the very nature of this policy and there was never an overall concensus in its favour. The various examples of "positive discrimination" found during this period reveal that the policy was applied in an ad hoc, sporadic fashion. "positive discrimination" was neither adopted nor imposed by the central government it was simply tolerated.