L'oeuvre littéraire d'Alice Walker
Paris 4Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
La these porte sur l'etude de toute la production litteraire d'alice walker jusqu'a 1990. Elle inclut donc ses quatre romans, ses quatre recueils de poesie, ses deux recueils de nouvelles, et enfin ses deux recueils d'essais. Auteur connu surtout par son troisieme roman, the color purple qui lui a rapporte une renommee internationale, alice walker se caracterise par son engagement feministe, un terme qu'elle rebaptise "womanist" pour distinguer son mouvement afro-ameri cain de celui des feministes blanches. Elle est connue aussi par son defi et sa rebellion contre les conventions et les tabous sociaux, et contre les canons des genres litteraires. La these tente d'analyser ainsi les raisons biographiques de sa rebellion et de son adoption du mouvement "womanist", les manifestations de ce mouvement dans son oeuvre, l'equilibre souvent reussi entre l'ideologie de l'auteur et son art, et enfin le developpement de sa vision a travers le temps et a travers ses oeuvres, d'une "womanist" radicale a une humaniste.
Abstract FR:
This dissertaion studies the literary production of alice walker until 1990. It includes thus her four novels, her four books of poetry, her two collections of short stories, and finally her two collections of essays. Known particularly by her third novel, the color purple which brought her worldwide fame, alice walker is caracterized by her feminist committment. She has however changed the term feminist to "womanist" to distingwish her afro-american movement from that of the white feminists. She is also known by her challenge and rebellion against the social taboos and conventions, and against the canons of the different literary genres. The dissertation tries furthermore to analyse the biographical reasons of this rebellion and adoption of the womanist movement, the manifestations of her ideology in her work, the often successful balance between this ideology and her art , and finally the development of her vision through time and through her works from a radical womanist to a humanist.