Le roman francophone au Proche-Orient (1970-1995) : étude comparée
Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne (UPEC)Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This is a study of the directions of the near eastern french-language novel through the works of three contemporary writers: the six novels of venus khoury-ghata, a lebanese who lives in france; the two novels of i. Souss, a palestinian who is a naturalized french citizen; and the six novels of a. Maalouf, also a lebanese who resides in france. After an historical summary of french in the eastern mediterranean lands, and a description of the social, political, and psychological context in which the near eastern french-language novel developed, we first begin by presenting the writers and their novels. Next, we bring out and compare some common themes: the concept of the east and its relations with the west, religious culture and the religious conflicts both within and among multiconfessional societies, and finally the image of the middle eastern woman and her social status. After this, we try by a socio-historical analysis of certain terms, expressions, and images, to show the influence of the arab-muslim culture upon these writers. The conclusion bringsus to the future of french langauge and culture in the near east and its role in the liberation of arab society, the hopes for peace in the relationships of muslims. Jews, and christians, and fruitful exchange between east and west.
Abstract FR:
Etude sur les tendances du roman francophone proche-oriental, a partir des oeuvres de trois ecrivains contemporains : venus khoury-ghata (libanaise residant en france, six romans). Ibrahim souss (palestinien naturalise francais, deux romans). Et amin maalouf (libanais residant en france, six romans). Apres un apercu historique du francais au levant et une description du contexte social, politique et psychologique dans lequel s'est developpe le roman francophone proche-oriental, nous presentons, dans un premier temps, les ecrivains et leurs romans. Ensuite, nous relevons et comparons des themes communs : la conception de l'orient et ses rapports avec l'occident, culture religieuse et guerre de religion a l'interieur et entre societes multiconfessionnelles, l'image de la femme orientale et sa place sociale. Puis nous essayons, a travers l'analyse socio-historique de certains termes, expressions et images, de montrer l'influence de la culture arabo-musulmane sur les ecrivains. La conclusion portera sur l'avenir de la francophonie au proche-orient, et son role dans l'emancipation de la societe arabe, la pacification des rapports islamo-judeo-chretiens et les echanges fructueux entre l'orient et l'occident.