
Le figural dans l'oeuvre de Willa Cather

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995



Paris 3


Abstract EN:

Par opposition a la figuration qui est de l'ordre du regard, dans l'explicite et proche du discours, le figural se decouvre dans la vision, se profilant de maniere presque subliminale dans l'ecriture de willa cather. La figure est dotee d'une presence physique sur la page imprimee, mais n'est ni discursive, ni "nommee". Le figural est inscrit dans l'ecriture catherienne, laquelle elude toujours l'interpretation, et ne laisse souvent qu'un uintangible residu de plaisir", selon l'expression de l'auteur. Les images et les figures de l'ecriture catherienne sont etudiees dans un va-et-vient entre la figuration et le figural, entre discours et figure, langage et regard. L'ordre suivi dans ce travail va du langage au mythe, puis de l'espace decrit a la chose inscrite, et d'une maniere generale, de la filiation au faconnage d'une faction nouvelle.

Abstract FR:

As opposed to figuration which is representational and explicitly mentioned as a discourse, the figural unfolds subliminally in willa cather's fiction. The figure of speech bears a physical presence on the printed page, but is neither discursive nor "named". The figural is inscribed in willa cather's writing, which persistently eludes interpretation, leaving only "an intangible residuum of pleasure," in the author's own words, her images and figures are here studied in a constant to and fro movement between figuration and the figural, the narrative discourse and the figures of speech, language and vision. This research will progress from the study of language to that of myth,then from the description of space to the inscription of space and vision in writing, and in general, from acknopwledging a filiation to forging a new fiction.