
La métamorphose de la pensée rousseauiste en Chine : à travers les exemples du Contrat social et de l'Emile

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 2007



Paris 3




Abstract EN:

Ever since his thought was introduced to China via Japan at the end of the 19th century, Rousseau has for generations been a charming figure for many members from the intelligentsia in China. By citing The Social Contract and Émile as two examples, the author of the dissertation intends to discuss how the thought of Rousseau was accepted in China during a period from the end of the 19th century to 1949. The dissertation starts with an analysis of the textual differences by comparing a number of the Chinese translations of the two works, the translations, for example, of Du Contrat social by Nakae Chômin, Yang Tingdong and Ma Junwu, and of Émile by Yamaguchi Katarô and Shimazaki Tsunegoro, Xia Gaizun and Tan Juemin. Then the dissertation proceeds to look into the writings on the political and educational principles of Rousseau by Chinese men of letters living during various historical peorids so as to explore the way in which the thought of Rousseau spread to China via Japan, participated in and made impacts on the transformation of the traditional thought into the modern one. The dissertation ends up with a discussion of how Yan Fu, Liang Qichao and the other thinkers who had had a great influence on the modern Chinese culture accepted, understood and disseminated the politically democratic ideas of Rousseau, and how in the great debates that went on in the 1930s between Lu Xun and Liang Shiqiu the educational principles of Rousseau were made used of, the purpose of which is to show how the metamorphosis of the thought of Rousseau occurred in China.

Abstract FR:

Le travail présent étudie la réception de la pensée de Rousseau en Chine de la fin du 19e siècle jusqu’à la veille de la fondation de la République populaire de Chine en 1949, à travers les exemples de deux ouvrages rousseauistes, l’un Du contrat social, l’autre Émile, ou de l’éducation. S’appuyant sur les différentes traductions en chinois de ces deux ouvrages rousseauistes (celles du Contrat social réalisées par Nakae Chômin, Yang Tingdong, Ma Junwu, etc ; celles de l’Émile réalisées par Yamaguchi Katarô et Shimazaki Tsunegoro, Xia Mianzun, Tan Juemin, etc. ), ainsi que les articles critiques ou les événements concernant la pensée politique de Rousseau (l’introduction de Liang Qichao, la critique de Yan Fu, etc. ) et sa pensée de l’éducation(la polémique entre Lu Xun et Liang Shiqiu dans les années 1930, la création romancière de Lao She, etc. ), cette thèse est pour l’objectif d’éclairer une sorte de « métamorphose » de la pensée de Jean-Jacques Rousseau en Chine au cours du siècle dernier.